Saturday, April 28, 2012

Pink Yoga Pants Vs Lululemon Yogas


It's Anna..

I'm going to be comparing VS Pink Yoga Pants to a pair of Lululemon Yoga pants that i have.. I Have 3 pairs of lululemon yoga pants so i know how they wear too( I've never had a problem with lululemon.)

As you can see on the left are a pair of Victorias Secret Pink Yoga Pants that i bought for about $50..

The one on the right are a new pair of Lululemon Wunder Under Pants which are the legging kind, that i bought for about $80.

The VS Pink Pair are not the best quality in my opinion in fact i dont really like them at all. Yes, they have really cute band designs; but I just have really bad luck with them.. but on the other hand, my friend absolutely adore them and she has probably about 20 pairs.

My first pair were boot cut and had hearts on the band and said "PINK" on it in silver bling. I ended up giving them to a friend since she liked them so much.

My second pair were boot cut as well and had a military print on the band again saying "PINK" on it in silver bling.. again i gave them to another friend because she liked it so much..(VS PINK yoga pants are like THE thing at my school, and im sure it's the same with yours.... for like the past 4 years maybe even more.)

My third pair were regular cropped this time and had pink cheetah print on it with "PINK" in silver bling on the back. I again gave those recently to the friend who has my first pair..( its a little wierd.. i would never borrow then "take" someone elses clothes even if they let me have it..thts just me.)

My 4th pair are the ones im showing right now that i got in September of 2011.. im either going to throw it away or keep it just in case, i want to wear it at home..

Soo., I didn't tell you yet why i dont really like these pants..

I always get holes in them even though they arent tight at all they just rip in the wash or something.. in fact i bought them at the store with a hole in them without knowing and then more holes after wear came along. I couldn't return them because i've already worn them the first day that I found out there was a hole; and i know its not from me.

 they aren't that comfy

 the black color fades over time

 they arent as snug as i want them to be

 they are more like a tshirt type material while the lululemon pair are more like spandex material because its for athletic use.( The vs pink are made from 87% Cotton and 13% Spandex and the Lululemon pair are made from 100% Luon)

Here are some pics of the lululemon yoga pants..
They are called the wunder under pants and I think they are about 78 dollars im not sure you can check out their website at

They come with a stash pocket which is hidden in the band as you can see in picture 4;so you can put in small things like keys or a card when you exercise or what not. The band Looks a lot more vibrant and cuter in real life.

I'll show you the holes that are on my VS pink yogas
There is a hole on the band and the bling on the back comes off and just looks worn and ugly. And there are holes in random places allover the pant leg.
You cant really tell but once i wear them you can because it stretches out. The third pic is where i tried to sew the hole that was there already from when i bought it at the store.
The end of the pants has a hole and is wearing out
I haven't even worn these that much

So this is almost turning out to be like a complaint to a company.But i still like vs pink clothes, they're really cute and i still shop there a lot.
But I like the Lululemon pants way more and its whatever works with you and you may love the pants but i dont so thats it for the comparison!!

I got a pair of Seven For All Mankind Jeans yesterday at Saks Fifth Avenue; they're really cute and now i own 2 pairs of sevens :) They are way more indigo in real life then on the pic

I did get the Heirloom Lace Up Ugg Boots the other day but i returned them because they were a little too small and i dont really want to wear boots in the summer even though they are breathable. my fave part though is the lace up in the back
I also returned a pair of True Religion Tie-dye shorts sadly :( because i ordered them off the website and they were way too big so my new pair should be here in the next week. They're super cute and I cant wait to wear them this summer :)

I also want to get Plain Black Havaianas Flip Flops so be on the look out for a haul coming soon.
Okay so thats it for this post
Thanks for reading

Welcome!! ☼

Hey Beauties,
Today is a cloudy and calm Saturday Morning
I Started this blog so I can be able to post about my daily life,fashion, and everything fun and girly. I randomly chose the name chicks on the block out of nowhere.. but i guess it means im the chick on the block..or may i say blog?? "Chicks on the Blog" hmm.. how does that sound to you?? lol


Im not expecting too much people to come across this blog but im just doing it for the fun of it and not trying to get famous or anything of that sort.
Let me first introduce myself...
My name is Anna

I'm 14 years old

I'm in the 8th grade

I love cheer and volleyball

I love fashion

I love makeup

I love everything girly

Here's a pic of me and haha ignore the curlers in my hair im getting ready for the day and i just snapped a quick pic so you know how i really look when i make posts..yep now you know the truth!! XD

Thts all for my welcome post!! Au Revoir